iTCourses - Release Notes
- Enable roster editing. It is possible to delete daily duty assignments for a roster and also to change daily shift assignments using the "drag and drop" functionality. During editing, the application allows saving newly created rosters or returning to the original or previous roster.
- Ability to insert the activities "Daily check", "Cash drop" and "Cleaning" either once for a vehicle or once for each driver. The default value is to insert once for each driver.
- Improved computation when inserting a driver switch. There is no illogical insertion of activities at the beginning of the shift, which extends the duration of the second driver duty, and at the same time the activities "Lunch" and "Night rest" are inserted correctly for both drivers.
- Added help for members and parameters of daily plan optimization.
- Improved design and work with selectors for trips when creating new daily plans.
- Status bar with basic information for the roster.

- Determining the first day for the roster is only from the allowed data validity period.
- Fixed non-functional cost editing.
- Improved import of extended trip properties for GTFS data.
- Fixed editing of counting safety breaks duration into working time and subsequent recalculation of working time.
- display of editing of daily plans for rostering in the calendar
- permission to create a roster for up to 6 weeks
- possibility to choose daily plans for rostering specifically for all days for the specified period
- modification of the display of the rostering solution for the selected period
- editing the validity of the daily plan also directly in the view of the given daily plan
- selection of the maximum number of eliminated trips when optimizing daily schedules is no longer necessary. The algorithm runs significantly faster and the number of the eliminated trips is minimized
- editing of vehicle types for specific vehicle duties
- possibility to require a driver change for each vehicle in optimization
- the possibility to disallow the mixing of the vehicle fleet for the roster within the roster optimization
- improvement of display and functions for selectors of the optimization trips
- New server with a significant reduction of the optimization time
- The option to set a specific number of vehicles to be used in the optimization of daily plans
- The option to lock courses, locked duties will not change in additional optimizations
- The option to add and change fleet
- Fleet optimization
- New optimization function in rostering: "Days off in block"
- The option to revert patterns to the default settings

- User is not logged out after a short period of inactivity
- The dialogue for saving a daily plan/roster pops up when exiting the current page, not only when clicking on the go back button
- modeling actions, whereby it is possible to choose moving of the trips according to defined values, trips duration reduction within given length, and not trips elimination
- specification of duties for daily duties optimization, where it is possible to set the start trip, the end trip or the time range when should duty ends and the range for the working time of the duty
- speeding up and improvement of roster optimization initialization for large problems
- improving compliance with the regular pattern when optimizing rosters
- improvement of the average results achieved in the optimization of rosters
- in addition to the uniformity of working hours, the algorithm also tries to achieve uniformly distributed number of days at work when optimizing rosters
- roster export in JDF+ format

- incorrect function of the drivers' mode when optimizing daily duties
- correction of an error in the optimization of rosters in the case that the plan for the first day is not included
- deleting a project if it has at least 1 roster saved
- moving legislation under project settings. Working with legislation is significantly simplified, and the same legislation is available to all users within a shared project. Legislation can be changed in the same way as before by individual items, or it is possible to automatically set it according to the given default legislative system or according to the legislation of another project
- automatic setting of the economic model according to the given default setting or according to the economic model of another project
- moving the setting of the driver's mode for the daily plans optimization to the parameters' panel
- removal of the upper panel in the daily plans' optimization parameters. The view is easier to understand, clearer and more intuitive
- when choosing daily plans for roster optimization, the duplication of trips that contain individual daily plans is checked. In case of duplication, the tool warns the user and displays the duplicate trips
- elimination of unnecessary setting of legislative criteria in individual members when optimizing rosters. The settings are automatically taken from the project legislation
- created rosters can be saved and subsequently displayed. The work is very similar to saving and displaying daily plans
- modification of the view for projects' cards, where information about the number of saved rosters has been added
- small update of selected icons

- changing the name of the project without having to refresh the page after editing in the project settings
- Brand-new Rostering optimization with the option of choosing basic settings and members what to optimize.
- The possibility of black and white printing of timelines and the table for daily plans
- Unified view of project settings in a separate dialogue
- Setting up the economic model for the project in the project settings with parametric selection of individual parameter values
- Sharing within a tab in the project settings

- Fixed unwanted multiple saving of template for new calculation
- Saving and loading a trips' filter, which allows users to create their own filters so that the user does not have to manually input the trips to optimize from scratch
- Template saving and loading, which allows users to create custom templates, easily adjustable for a given optimization. The user does not always have to set his favourite values ​​that he uses in optimizations
- Displaying and setting the status of the project, which clearly shows the status of the project with the possibility of editing. The available statuses are: rejected, reprocessing, preparation, proposal, approved, operation
- Improvement of the solutions' comparison, while the comparison icon is placed in the side navigation panel, including the number of selected solutions for comparison. It is also possible to select any number of solutions for comparison, and a solution can be added to the comparison or removed from the comparison via the solution's context menu
- When saving the resulting optimization solution, it is possible to choose to continue the calculation, which allows subsequent experimentation on a new solution

- Editing of export icon for solution
- Project verification is also possible for users who do not own a license, but their parent has an valid license
- project sharing, while the project owner can determine and manage users and their rights for a given project
- switching views also available for displaying projects, while new table for projects has been added
- creating of the transport network based on average values for distance values
- new detailed information for the timetable: frequency of trips and routes, concurrent trips value, average number of connections per trip and risk of these connections
- extended menu available in open project or solution
- import and editing of extended trip's features
- display of statistics for the timetable, including the theoretical minimum count of vehicles
- the possibility of duplicating the project
- basic information about the timetable in the status bar
- warning about unsaved solution when returning to the project from computation
- highlighted action and a button to save the solution when unsaved
- the initial display of trips when creating new solution
- display of the number of selected places for computation members, where it is possible to enter a place
- the possibility of packing the duty even under the unfolded duty

- the route of the trip, where the arrival at the first stop and the departure at the last stop are not filled
- improvement in the colour palette for displaying the driver/vehicle on timelines
- Different colour views for timelines where timelines can be viewed by routes, vehicles/drivers, occupancy, delay, and departure delay.
- A solution comparison view was added for the project, with a table that compares the basic statistics of the selected solutions.
- New view with extended trips' properties (delay, occupancy) for the project.
- Improved display and shortcut of trip calendar.

- Filtering in the courses' table.
- Views and filter in the trips' table for the computation.
- Hiding and showing columns in tables.
- Translation of the trip calendar.
- Icons' change
- Navigation change: the title is placed in the left corner and the action button in the right corner.
- Added glow on the timeline to let the user know that the course contuinues outside the view.
- Fixed export to xlsx.
- Import and export of the solutions in JDF+ and EDISON formats.
- Possibility to edit the solution's title, the project's title, and the courses' name.
- Brand new cutting-edge web application for public transport planning available at

- Improvement of the algorithm in the area of ​​minimization of drivers' change and thus also decrease in the number of daily drivers.
- New member of the objective function "delay minimization".
- Significant improvement of the calculation when the automatic insertion of the manipulation is set.
- Within the objective function member "Routes' goruping", the possibility to define which routes should be affected. If no route is added, all routes are grouped.
- Unification of the members of the objective function "Uniform working time" and "Shifts optimization" to simplify work with settings.
- The courses' table contains new information about the carrier assigned to the given course. The assignment is made based on the first trip of the course. At the same time, "Distribution of carriers" function is removed.
- The daily check is placed on the last and first stop, not in the depot. If the value 0 is set for the daily check, the activity is not inserted into the shift with a length of zero.

- Incorrect calculation of technological km.
- Displaying the carrier alias for GTFS data.
- During the modelling action, after incorporating the proposed changes, the trips are correctly shortened in the data.
- When saving the solution (.itcourse) fixed loading of the stop for avail delivery.
- Fixed editing of trips when defining vehicle exceptions.
- Fixed switching of values ​​of the trips' extended features.
- Launch of a brand-new web platform to support planning in public transport.
- Model solution displayed in the separate sheet with the option to choose specific courses to be applied in the similarity function, as well as to lock and preview courses. It is also possible to set the "weight" of the similarity to low, medium, and high.
- New design of the compute parameters with the option to add new parameters at the top.
- New function to choose specific trips to be included in the compute with the option to set the source of the trips from the sources: day of the compute or model solution, or both sources (merger of the sets will be included in the compute).
- New modelling function "Trips duration reduction". The algorithm is allowed to reduce the duration of the selected trips by a percentage of the whole duration or by fixed minutes. The algorithm also minimizes the number of these reductions.
- Support of the frequencies file for the GTFS data feed.
- Improved preview of the solution which can reduce the duration of the compute as well as improve the solution in specific cases.
- Improved transfer of the JDF+ format.
- For all the Objective function parameters, a user can now choose between a low, medium, and high importance instead of the scale system used before.
- New informative panel at the top of the document where a user can set the trip filters, model solution, as well as display the key solution statistics.
- Integration of the Modelling module into the main Compute module.
- Optimization based on the model solution can be done easily by adding a model solution into the top panel. A new option to lock individual courses in the model solution was added. These courses will stay locked, while the unlocked courses will be optimized. It is also possible to define the part of the route that a user can lock.
- New layers were added to the timelines which show the possible delays at the beginning of the trips, as well as show how trips are implemented in the model solution.
- Improvement of the JDF format and the transfer between iTCourses and TransOffice.
- Option to set the Idle time in the Working time.
- Unification of global settings (general, vehicles, and carriers) into a document. The item of Control was deleted.
- Improvement of optimization based on the model solution by grouping trips from the model solution in the new solution, as well as maximizing the number of unchanged courses from the model solution in the new solution.
- Split of the day will take the courses from the following day into account. For example, if the split is set for 2am, all trips between 2am of the base day and 2am of the following day will be taken into account.
- Objective function item for the Route grouping which minimizes the number of routes in which the same group occurs was added.
- A new column in the Courses as well as XLSX export tables for the Time at work (calculated as the difference between the beginning and the end of the route) was added.
- Histogram with the number of courses at the specific stop in a given minute.
- New element for the Deduction of a vehicle for one day in the Costs.
- Edit of the first trips based on the route specifications with the option to end the route with a specific trip, mandatory driver switch, as well as the range for the Working time and Route end times.
- Display of the window above the profile with the key information and menu items.
- In the compute, a new item for a Close area is added automatically with a low importance, an item for the Shifts optimization is added automatically with a medium importance.
- When allowing a driver switch, a new option was added to minimize the number of switches without the need to add a new item into the Objective function.
- Unification of the activity settings before, after, and within Course into one module.
- New statistics which assess the user’s optimization results, as well as the ranking within all users.
- Setting the mandatory Backset time after a trip based on the duration of the trip.
- Automatically generated colours for courses in the Courses table and timeline.
- Beta version of the import of solution(s) from the EDISON text file format.
- New welcome Home page with the key information.
- New feature for all tables, allowing users to group and sort tables by columns. Just drag the column into the space above the grid to browse and evaluate results more efficiently.
- Option to print or save multiple open documents or grids as a PDF.
- New option for modelling of Eliminated trips with the possibility to define the maximum number of eliminated trips. New statistics have been added regarding the number of trips included in the solution.
- Option to change a user password within the user interface.
- Displaying the timeline layers - the option to turn on the Rout layer.
- New Cleaning feature that can be defined similarly to Daily control.
- The option to open information about the frequency of trips during the validity period of the solution above the project.
- Displaying that the loading tickets activity is performed in the toolbar as well as in the Tickets tab.
- Displaying the version release date in the News as well as in the About section.
- Upgrade of the Excel export, containing the trip delay and occupancy data.
- Option for a Safety break which can be calculated so that after a long break (split shift/overnight rest), it is necessary to start with a reset cumulative break.
- New icon for setting and editing carriers.
- New design for document tabs and windows, as well as improved grid design.
- Moved the menu to the top toolbar, increasing the size of the workspace. A new menu has been added under the User tab, containing user information as well as the option to create sub-users.
- Issuing a warning and solution of the multi-listing of trips issue within the JDF+ transfer solution.
- The option for a user to use sub-user licences. When loading a project, it is necessary to specify which licence should be associated with the project.
- For compute/solution, its validity can be set in regards to individual days of the week.


- Added the export option above the saved solution under the root.
- Removed the application crash issue, or long transit overs, if, in the JDF+, the trips depo location was defined in a location with an ID which was not in the Bus stop file.
- Clarification that it is possible to click on elements in Modelling.
- Setting the limit of passing kilometres to one decimal place in the tooltip.
- for the main (admin) user, who automatically became the previously used "common" user, a "Users.." option was added in the "Help" section to add/delete their sub-users.
- a new member of the objective function "Idle in depot" was added, which tries to put all pauses longer than the given value near the depot of the course (night place/first connection). The sufficient distance from this place can also be entered.
- added the possibility to forbid backset between trips directly in the timelines above a specific trip using the context menu.
- if the route has at least one trip over 50 km or the law 561/2006 applies to it, a new switch "Setting the same legislation for the entire line" has been added to the global parameters, which will ensure that all rpute trips are categorized for law 561/2006.
- improvement of the algorithm in the area of the daily number of drivers.
- improvement of the courses tooltip on the timelines, where, among other things, the display of the time spent at work has also been added.
- for the "Night rest" member, a new option "Accept violation" has been added, while the algorithm creates a solution so that night rest is "soft" constrain, similar to the objective function member.
- in the vehicle fleet, for individual vehicles, it is possible to specify:
• assign/forbid a vehicle type for a route/trip,
• assign/forbid a vehicle type for the section,
• assign/forbid a vehicle type for the stop.
- after the compute is finished, a message is displayed with the option to open a document with the results. The user can thus view or prepare other calculations and at the same time be informed about the computed results.

- fixed error in modeling, which in specific cases caused a higher number of vehicles than in the classic computation. At the same time, a setting member "Forbidden transits over" was added also for modeling.
- fixing and improving the insertion of the Refueling activity.
- elimination of freezing of the program when setting up a new trip with an interval of 00:00. The whole funcionality is amended.
- loading the ticket export from the TransOffice, while the ticket tab with general information is filled in the project. Possibility to automatically import data from loaded tickets into the extended properties of trips (delays, maximal passengers count).
- new module in the parameters, in which it is possible to forbid transits that have a distance above the given value.
- possibility to insert the activity “Refueling”. In the first version, there is a uniform definition for all courses and vehicles. It is possible to define places for refueling, duration of the activity and vehicle range.
- possibility to allow night rest during the day (within the course).
- distinguishing the daily drivers' count and the long-term estimate of the drivers' count in statistics and in the comparison of solutions.
- new member of the objective function to minimize the daily count of drivers (number of courses with driver switch).
- new colors of activities, in order to simplify the timelines view.
- when the carriers are divided, the courses are assigned to individual carriers according to the first trip.
- added display of delay and maximum number of passengers for individual trips in the courses' table view.
- extension of search algorithm. In the case of smaller carriers with lower count of the trips, it can lead to a slightly longer compute, but also to better solutions.
- new switch in the global settings (General tab) whether the safety break is included in the working time.

- speeding up the verification of trips with the server. It also accelerates the process before the computation.
- duplicate naming occurred in locked courses, which the algorithm currently checks and always preserves unique names.
- new approach where instead of a data root we create a new project.
- editing of night work calculations and possibility to define night work period in the general settings.
- added the option of duplicating the current calculation using the Duplicate option or the Ctrl+D keyboard shortcut.
- for the Modeling module, it is allowed to add new trips using:
• Plus button,
• by duplicating a specific trip.
- added the possibility to enter wages for safety break, lunch and night rest during the day separately. At the same time, automatic recalculation of costs for courses was implemented when changing global settings.
- in the global settings in the General section, the possibility to switch the creation of the network according to:
• minimum values,
• average values,
• maximum values.
- in the global settings in the General section, an option has been added to switch the automatic naming of the courses according to:
• order number,
• course's depot,
• course's depot and start time.
- in the global settings in the Meantime time section, a new switch has been added to display the night rest activity in the courses.
- improved display of the selected carrier/carriers using the carrier "tag" in the calculation properties.
- in the Help option, an option has been added:
• send feedback/new request directly through the tool along with attaching the necessary files.
• view user information.
- the number of stops column is also available for the Trips table.
- for the parameter Backsets, the Backset for route has been added for global setting of baksets before/after for all trips of the particular route.
- the beta version Export EDISON option has been added for exporting solution files in the EDISON tool format is implemented.
- new statistics for the Professional module, which displays a two-color "bar chart" showing the ratio of vehicle operation time (time spent at work) to paid time.
- the possibility of mass setting of specific values for extended connection properties has been added.
- added new keyboard shortcuts for root:
• Ctrl+S: Save root,
• Ctrl+E: Export root,
• Ctrl+N: New compute,
• Ctrl+Shift+N: New modeling.
- new keyboard shortcuts for calculation and modeling have been added:
• Ctrl+S: Save the solution under the root,
• Ctrl+D: Duplicate the document,
• Ctrl+E: Export solution to xls.
- for the Professional module, in the comparison document, in addition to the different connections, the differences in the connections are also displayed.
- the vehicle has assigned tag similar as the carrier.
- added the possibility to set a different maximum working time for courses that start before 6:00 or end after 22:00.
- for the Professional module, an option has been added to set the trip as the first trip of the course directly from the Trips table.
- a new FAQ section has been added to the website.

- the histogram in the backsets' statistics is redrawn as soon as the values change.
- repaired count of station, where the value is calculated only from those stops where the trip actually stops.
- sorting of vehicles in the Vehicle statistics according to vehicle priority.
- removal of an error when entering the allowed moves before 0 and after 0 minutes in modelling.
- removing of items in the First Trips dialog.
- saving and loading of the solution with locked courses.
- fixing the error that occurs when re-running the compute on a loaded document from an .itcourse file.
- for saving the root with computes, the locks for courses is also saved.
- additional help for Costs in Global Settings.
- better readability of the description in vehicle and carrier tags.
- when spliting trips between centers, display of the original carrier/center as well.
- possibility to lock the course for recalculation.
- allowed editing of the name of the course.
- when minimizing backsets in the objective function, it is possible to additionally add items and define:
• the threshold in minutes below which backsets are minimized,
• time interval in which the user wants to minimize backsets (e.g. from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.),
• a station in which backsets are minimized (it can also be undefined).
- the possibility of selecting routes for optimization has been added.
- the possibility to assign a model solution also from another root.
- speeding up of the loading process, better information about the progress.
- new control of individual parameters and specification of conditions for members of the objective function.
- for modeling, it is possible to define exceptions in moves for a specific trip/trips. If zero move is allowed, then the trip can not be moved.
- backset statistics have been added for the professional module, which shows the number of bacskets within a defined range (e.g. from 0 to 5 minutes) for a defined stop (it can also be undefined) throughout a day, which is divided into half-hour intervals.
- for the professional module in the comparison document:
• the group COSTS has been added to compare costs
• the section BACKSETS was added, where the number of backsets is compared, divided into groups of 0 minutes, 1-2 minutes, 3-5 minutes and over 5 minutes.
• the difference of the compared values is also displayed.
• added switching on and off the individual sections.
- for the professional module, automated clustering of areas with the option to view clusters has been added to the Analysis tab.

- removal of the application crash in the case of specific user settings.
- input of own values for uniformity of working time.
- correction of an error when inserting and calculating the external edge for the depot/car park.
- a significant speeding up of the first and second phases of the computes, allowing to combine them into a single compute.
- a new look at the compute document, where it is possible to define PARAMETERS, ACTIVITIES and members of the OBJECTIVE FUNCTION, including all legislation.
- for the activities Daily control and Avail delivery one can set:
• duration in minutes,
• preferred time from,
• preferred time to,
• strict condition on preferred period,
• activity stop/stops,
• not execution of an activity if the stop is the course's depot.
- for the activities Control before shift and Control after shift, the duration is set directly from ACTIVITY panel.
- for the activity Driver switch, one can set:
• duration in minutes,
• preferred time from,
• preferred time to,
• strict condition on preferred period,
• switch at the starting place of the courses,
• if a depot/depot is defined, then whether the switch must take place in the particular depot.
- in the Statistics tab there is a detailed perception on costs, which are calculated according to the parameters in the global settings. The costs can also be viewed in categories such as:
• Total costs,
• Hourly wage,
• Extra fees,
• Other costs.
- a new design of the Modeling document, where it is possible to define PARAMETERS, the MODELING ACTION and the OBJECTIVE FUNCTION.
- for the moves, one can set:
• weight,
• allowed move size backwards,
• allowed move size forward.
- for the Negative backsets, one can set:
• weight,
• size of allowed negative backset in minutes.
- the transport network management option has been added where edit of external edges for network might be done. Without Professional module, just displaying is allowed.
- for the Professional module:
• it is possible to compare alternative solutions, while the tool provides clear comparisons of basic statistics,
• it is possible to add a new member of the objective function to maximize the similarity of the created solution to the model solution,
• added new statistics for the similarity of solutions in the Statistics tab.
- as the computation unfolds, there is a clear-cut view on part of the computation phase.

- the possibility of editing the limit below which the backsets' count is minimized.
- correction and significant speeding up of the result's export to the .xlsx format.
- improvement of work shift optimization, where
• shifts for one and two drivers are correctly calculated in long-term planning,
• the maximum working time for a single driver is also included in computes, which can be set in the global settings,
• adding manipulation regarding not exceeding the working time for single driver,
• a lower count of drivers and faster computation is also a possible benefit.
- for the professional module, new statistics have been added with the possibility to switch between a bar chart and a histogram for:
• courses' night rest,
• time of the end of the courses,
• backsets,
• empty distance.
- for the professional module, the assignment of courses to particular carriers/operations has been added so that the count of trips with different carrier than is the route carrier is minimized. The practical use is in the redistribution of trips between operators while optimizing all trips of all operators in order to reduce the total count of courses.
- in the working time statistics, the option to switch between a bar chart and a histogram has been added.
- setting the maximum standing time (backset) in minutes for arbitrary stop.
- for fixed backsets:
• added columns for the arrival of the first trip, the departure of the second trip and the backset time between trips,
• deleting all fixed backsets at once,
• the algorithm allows setting the violation of fixed backsets, while minimizing the number of violations.
- setting the preferred period when the activities should be alocated.
- support for dark display mode.

- text search in table filters.
- in the names of the stops, the space after the village has been removed.
- displaying backsets under defined minutes.
- displaying predictions for both weekday and weekend for each trip.
- displaying and selection of statistics only for the particular compute/module.
- switching controls with proper funcionality.
- displaying of texts in the filter for the Depot column in the courses table.
- export and import of the JDF format, which has been expanded with files in order to transfer sample courses.
- store solutions into the root data, with subsequent export to the extended JDF format.
- brand-new functionalities for the Modeling mode:
• trips' times moves
• negative backsets,
• golden trips (courses with single one trip).
- edit of the extended trip features (delay time and probability, trip utilization) directly in the application.
- enriched statistics view in a separate tab.
- speed up of the calculations with a lower burden on the user's device.
- on the official product page ( a new Download section has been added, with recommended templates' samples.
- switch on/off the specific controls for different compute phases in the global settings.
- new type of backset: minimal required minutes before or/and after the specific trip.

- saving trips excluded from the optimization process is at the template level, not only at the *.itcourse file level.
- input and display of backsets is appropriately divided and at the same time works efficiently even with numerous fixed backsets.
- notifying the user of possible incorrect configuration in general settings.
- when the drivers' switches are allowed, their count is minimized.
- display of stop names according to the switch "Stop display mode" in the general settings of the application. The full name of the stop is always displayed in the tooltip.
- new functionality for managing the user's vehicle fleet. Fleet may be used for the optimization of used vehicles.
- new display on the diagram (map) using the calculated approximate coordinates of individual JDF/GTFS points. The diagram with the histogram of running trips is displayed in the "Analysis" view, which is available to the user with the appropriate authorization (Professional plugin purchased).
- new graphic indicator "Balance" to display the evenness of the solution. It indicates how similarity of the individual courses from the objective function perception. If the value is below 60%, some courses might be unsuitable from the perspective of the objective value or used modules.
- the News section has been added to the product's official website (, where news for individual versions are displayed, including an extended description.

- in all tables, including nested tables, if the sorting is enabled, there is also the option to return (on the third click in the column header) the basic arrangement of the table.
- sorting by times in nested course works by value, not string.
- correction of the "Night rest" module for the Compute document, where the application collapsed due to trips obeying legislation 561/2006 in the very rare cases.
- after click on a course link in the table of trips, the given trip is displayed in the courses' table.
- export agrees with the table of courses that is displayed in the document Course.
- repaired colour of fixed codes for trips.
- extended document Legislation by:
• the module Time in work overflow ensures the insertion of breaks for time spent at work above the set limit,
• module Allowed driver switch allows two drivers to change on one vehicle during the day. It is possible to determine the necessary time for switch, the interval in which switching is possible as well as the place of switch,
• a member of objective function, maximizes the number of shifts that have a split night rest. The parameters of the split night rest are set in the global settings. For SR, this rest has the characteristics of 8 + 4 hours (totally divided into 3 parts) or 9 + 3 (totally divided into 2 parts).
- for the dialogue About the program are added:
• links to social networks,
• distributor CHAPS spol. s.r.o., which distributes the tool in the Czech Republic.
- possibility to insert the activity "Emergency" into idle times in courses, where one may define the minimum duration of standby and the maximum duration of standby for the single course. The Emergency is entered in such a way that the sum of the Emergency and Working time does not exceed the maximum allowed Working time.
- enabled multiple selection in filters for the Compute document properties.
- the orange color for tab Courses indicating a violation of the control of courses. When moving the mouse over this signalization, the violation kinds will be displayed.
- help for all modules, members of the purpose function and parameters in the correct settings is automatically displayed (one can disallow help with switch in General settings).
- in the general legislation settings, a Work shift section has been added, where settings are made for a shift intended for a single driver (such shifts can be performed repeatedly every day).
- the login dialogue can also be confirmed with the Enter button.
- when searching for stops for setting parameters in modules, diacritics is not required.

- improved display of the first trips,
- improved display of trips in Backsets,
- improved display of modules and objective member inputs,
- improved display of the statistics for particular computes,
- improved tabular display of courses in the form of unifying columns and adding activities showing idle time,
- corrected setting of alternative values for Act 561/2006 after restoring all original values,
- when the observed bounding value for backsets in the shift table is changed, the summary value for the "Backsets under" is also recalculated,
- corrected formatting of total values in the courses table,
- errors in the solving process for some specific fixed backsets, have been eliminated.
- saving of the application configuration.
- trips above 50 kilometres and international trips obey legislation law 561/2006.
- safety break as a new separate activity, with possible (if admissible) conflation with daily break/lunch.
- activities are displayed using pictograms and colour distinction.
- automated manipulation value and emergency value calculation.
- addition of English and Czech mutation.
- search in data grids using CTRL-F.

- saving and loading of the compute tree.
- renamed and enhanced objective member for grouping trips obeying same legislation law, for instance, trips obey 561/2006.
- option Open is available for both, Compute and Legislation.